Микроавтобус рефрижератор Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 314 CDI, Thermo King -20C, TOP !!!

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Контакты продавца

6 month warranty / 30,000 Km driveline (engine/gearbox/differential) !!!
Refrigerated body DAVJDSON + THERMO KING !!!
Cold - freezing-refrigeration temperature -20C to +4 C variable depending on the needs
Side door
Passenger bench with 2 seats
NET price*
24,900 Eur
Example Leasing Rate Eur* = 426
Advance (15%) Eur* = 3,735
Period (months) = 60
Residual value Eur* = 249
This leasing offer is indicative, the final offer will be presented following the financial and accounting analysis depending on the customer's creditworthiness.
*The prices displayed are net without VAT and expressed in Euro
LKW STORE - Truck Store, offers you the full range of Trucks, Tractor Heads, Semi-trailers/Trailers, Specialized Vehicles, Vans, Construction Equipment and Agricultural Equipment, used or new, with fast delivery from stock and on order!!!
If you do not find the desired equipment within the offers presented on our website (show contacts) we offer you other offers from external stock or from our partners throughout Europe.
We understand your need to use the desired equipment as urgently as possible and we can quickly deliver any equipment, so necessary for your business.
We offer a guarantee for qualifying equipment!!!
We have partnerships with banks in Romania and also offer financing/Leasing for trucks and companies that qualify!!!
We take care of the entire acquisition process, from obtaining financing, RAR homologation, to delivering the goods to you.
We always remain close to our customers and provide warranty and after-sales service in our authorized multi-brand service centers in Bucharest and Craiova, whose services are presented on the website: show contacts
For more details, please contact us at the phone number show contacts – your LKW STORE - Truck Store advisor can provide you with free advice direct and all the information you want!
You can also find us on the following social networks: facebook.com/thelkwstore & instagram.com/lkw_store
** We have tried to describe the vehicle/equipment as accurately as possible for you. However, there may be human typing errors.
Garantie 6 luni / 30.000 Km linie propulsoare (motor/cutie viteze/diferential) !!!
Carosare frigorifica DAVJDSON + THERMO KING !!!
Temperatura frig - congelare-refrigerare -20C la +4 C variabil functie de necasitati
Usa laterala
Bancheta pasager cu 2 locuri
Pret NET*
24.900 Eur
Exemplu Rata Leasing Eur* = 426
Avans (15%) Eur* = 3.735
Perioada (luni) = 60
Valoare reziduala Eur* = 249
Prezenta oferta de leasing este una indicativa, oferta finala se va prezenta in urma analizei financiar contabile functie de bonitatea clientului.
*Valorile preturilor afisate sunt nete fara tva si exprimate in Euro
LKW STORE - Magazinul de Camioane, va ofera toata gama de Camioane, Capete tractor, Semiremorci/Remorci, Autospecializate, Autoutilitare, Utilaje de Constructii si Utilaje Agricole, de ocazie sau noi, cu livrare rapida din stoc cat si la comanda !!!
Daca nu gasiti echipamentul dorit in cadrul ofertelor prezentate pe site-ul nostru (arată contacte va oferim alte oferte din stocul extern sau de la partenerii nostri din toata Europa.
Intelegem necesitatea Dvs. de a utiliza cat mai urgent echipamentul dorit si putem livra rapid orice echipament, atat de necesar afacerii Dvs.
Oferim garantie pentru echipamentele care se califica !!!
Avem parteneriate cu bancile din România si oferim de asemenea finantare/Leasing pentru camioanele si firmele care se califica !!!
Noi ne ocupam de tot procesul de achizitie, de obtinerea a finantarii, omologarii RAR, pana la livrarea bunului catre Dvs.
Ramanem oricand aproape de clientii nostri si asiguram Service in garantie si post-vanzare in centrele noastre autorizate de service multimarca din Bucuresti si Craiova, ale caror servicii sunt prezentate pe pagina web : arată contacte
Pentru mai multe detalii, va rugam sa ne contactati la numarul de telefon arată contacte – consilierul dumneavoastra LKW STORE - Magazinul de Camioane va poate oferi gratuit consiliere directa si toate informatiile pe care le doriti !
Ne gasiti si pe urmatoarele retele de socializare: facebook.com/thelkwstore & instagram.com/lkw_store
** Ne-am straduit sa descriem autovehiculul/echipamentul cat mai exact pentru dumneavoastra. Totusi pot exista greseli umane de tiparire.