Variklio turbokompresorius MAN COMPENSATOR 51152100001 sunkvežimio MAN TGS, TGX

Jei nusprendėte įsigyti technikos už stipriai žemesnę, nei vidutinė rinkos kainą, būtinai iš pradžių susisiekite su pardavėju. Sužinokite apie technikos savininką kiek įmanoma daugiau. Vienas iš sukčiavimo būdų – apsimesti įmonės atstovu. Kilus įtarimams užpildykite formą, kad mes galėtume įvertinti situaciją ir imtis reikiamų veiksmų.
Prieš apsisprendžiant ką nors įsigyti įdėmiai peržvelkite kelis pasiūlymus ir įvertinkite, kokia Jūsų pasirinktos technikos vidutinė rinkos pardavimo kaina. Jei Jums patikusio pasiūlymo kaina stipriai mažesnė, susimąstykite. Esminis kainos skirtumas gali reikšti paslėptus technikos defektus arba pardavėjo bandymą sukčiauti.
Nepirkite technikos, kurios kaina stipriai skiriasi nuo vidutinės rinkos kainos.
Nesutikite su abejotinais pasiūlymais keistis įranga ar iš anksto mokėti už ją. Kilus abejonėms nebijokite viską išsiaiškinti. Reikalaukite daugiau fotografijų ir technikos dokumentų, tikrinkite dokumentų autentiškumą, klauskite.
Tai dažniausiai pasitaikantys sukčiavimo atvejai. Nesąžiningi pardavėjai gali prašyti sumokėti avansą, kaip technikos įsigijimo „garantą“. Tokiu būdų sukčiautojai gali sukaupti nemažą pinigų sumą ir pradingti.
- Piniginių lėšų pervedimas į banko kortelę.
- Kilus abejonėms dėl pardavėjo, nedarykite avansinių mokėjimų be pinigų pervedimą patvirtinančių dokumentų.
- Piniginių lėšų pervedimas į „patikėtinio“ sąskaitą.
- Tokie prašymai iš karto kelia įtarimų, Jei tai Jūsų atvejis, greičiausiai susidūrėte su sukčiavimo atveju.
- Piniginių lėšų pervedimas į panašaus pavadinimo įmonės sąskaitą
- Būkite atidūs. Sukčiautojai, nežymiai pakeisdami įmonės pavadinimą, gali bandyti apsimesti gerai žinomų kompanijų atstovais. Nepervedinėkite pinigų, jei dėl įmonės kyla abejonių.
- Asmeninių rekvizitų pateikimas tikros kompanijos sąskaitoje
- Prieš darydami piniginį pervedimą įsitikinkite, kad sąskaitoje nurodyti rekvizitai yra teisingi ir priklauso nurodytai kompanijai.
Pardavėjo kontaktiniai duomenys

Compensator MAN (Turbocharger)
The other parts available by the order from MAN :
Description: MAN parts, OE genuine OE Nro
Brake Cylinder Repair Kit Asbestos-Free 81521206031
Brake Shoe without Lining (Front Axle) 81502016222
Carrier Plate (Hyd Pump) rodyti kontaktus
Contact Bush (Truck) rodyti kontaktus
Compensator (Turbocharger) 51152100001
Cutoff Relay 300A (Main Battery) 81259026264
Driving Dog Sleeve (Hyd Pump) 51066506006
Electronic Control Unit D2 (Heater Assy) 81258146042
Fan Hub 51066040088
Fluid Level Prob (Engine)=51274210346 51274210281
Foot Brake Valve 81521306298
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Fuel Filter Heater Set= 51125136003 51125136000
Gasket (Coolant Pump) 51069010215
Glow Plug (Heater Assy) 81268030030
-Gear Carrier 51066095019
Shaft = 51066035009 51066035006
Hydraulic Pump 32CCM 51066507008
Oil Pressure Pipe (Turbo)=51057035348 51057035332
Padal Position Sensor (Accelerator) 81259706103
Pressure Line Common Rail 51103006089
Rubber Bush Assy (Rear Shock) 81437060047
Rubber Stop (Front Axle) 81414016037
Sensor (Air Intake) 81154080002
Temperature Sensor (Heater Assy) 81779070014
Temperature Sensor Ambient Temperature 81274210224
Turbo Charger Seal-Round 51089010262
Turbo Charger Seat-Square 51089010261
Vlsco Fan (Fan with Clutch) 51066007059
Description: aftermarket truck parts (OE Nr only for comparison)
For ref. only!
A-Frame (RearAxle) V-stay 81432706164
Air Compressor 360 CCM 51541007231
Alternator 110A 51261017270
Axle Control Arm {Rear Axle) 81432206232
BeltTensioner Kit (Alternator) 81958016085
- Brake Shoe 220Mm (Truck) 81502016223
- Set of Drum Brake Linings (Truck) 81502216102
Brake Shoe without Lining (Rear ax) 81502016223
Bulb H3-HD-24V-70W 81259010027
Bulb H4-HD-24V-75/70W 81259010084
Charging Pressure Sensor 51274210216
Check Brake Valve 81521206004
Clutch Booster 81307256084
Clutch Master Cylinder Assy 81307156152
Clutch Plate 430/232 GD 81303010574
Clutch Pressure Plate 430 DTE 81303050218
Clutch Repair Kit Pressure Plate 81303006002
Drum Brake Lining (Front Axle) 81502216078
-Radial Shaft Seal 51965016002
Lift Pump Assy 51121500001
Parabolic Spring Assy 13T (Rear) 81434026749
Parabolic Spring Front Axle 9.5T 81434026331
Pressure Li miter Valve (Fuel Sys) 51103040291
Pressure Sensor 15BAR MDS1.2 51274210263
Pressure Sensor 16 Bar 81274210299
Pressure Sensor 15 Bar MOS1.2 51274210262
Pressure Seqsor Puel System 51274210229
Pressure Switch 5,8 Bar 81255140045
Radial Shaft Seal (Fan Hub] 51965016002
Release Bearing (Clutch) 81305500110
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706123
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706122
Rubber Stop( (Rear Axie) 81962100379
- Radial Shaft Seal 51015100206
- Prace 51021300013
Shock Absorber Assembly (Front) 81437026076
Shock Absorber Rea r Axle 81437016926
Slotted Bush (Front Spring) 81437220070
Speed Sender (Engine Moun 51271207037
Starter 5,5kW (Self) 51262017238
Suction Fan' 51066010284
Temperature Sender (Engine 51274210165
Temperature Sensor (Engine 51274210190
Tension Spring (Front Brake Shoe) 81976100265
Tension Spring (Rear Brake Shoe) 81976100317
Turbo Charger 51091007907
U-Bolt (Front Spring) 06461130210
Vacuum Switch (Air Intake) 81274210231
Compensator MAN (Turbocharger)
The other parts available by the order from MAN :
Description: MAN parts, OE genuine OE Nro
Brake Cylinder Repair Kit Asbestos-Free 81521206031
Brake Shoe without Lining (Front Axle) 81502016222
Carrier Plate (Hyd Pump) rodyti kontaktus
Contact Bush (Truck) rodyti kontaktus
Compensator (Turbocharger) 51152100001
Cutoff Relay 300A (Main Battery) 81259026264
Driving Dog Sleeve (Hyd Pump) 51066506006
Electronic Control Unit D2 (Heater Assy) 81258146042
Fan Hub 51066040088
Fluid Level Prob (Engine)=51274210346 51274210281
Foot Brake Valve 81521306298
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Fuel Filter Heater Set= 51125136003 51125136000
Gasket (Coolant Pump) 51069010215
Glow Plug (Heater Assy) 81268030030
-Gear Carrier 51066095019
Shaft = 51066035009 51066035006
Hydraulic Pump 32CCM 51066507008
Oil Pressure Pipe (Turbo)=51057035348 51057035332
Padal Position Sensor (Accelerator) 81259706103
Pressure Line Common Rail 51103006089
Rubber Bush Assy (Rear Shock) 81437060047
Rubber Stop (Front Axle) 81414016037
Sensor (Air Intake) 81154080002
Temperature Sensor (Heater Assy) 81779070014
Temperature Sensor Ambient Temperature 81274210224
Turbo Charger Seal-Round 51089010262
Turbo Charger Seat-Square 51089010261
Vlsco Fan (Fan with Clutch) 51066007059
Description: aftermarket truck parts (OE Nr only for comparison)
For ref. only!
A-Frame (RearAxle) V-stay 81432706164
Air Compressor 360 CCM 51541007231
Alternator 110A 51261017270
Axle Control Arm {Rear Axle) 81432206232
BeltTensioner Kit (Alternator) 81958016085
- Brake Shoe 220Mm (Truck) 81502016223
- Set of Drum Brake Linings (Truck) 81502216102
Brake Shoe without Lining (Rear ax) 81502016223
Bulb H3-HD-24V-70W 81259010027
Bulb H4-HD-24V-75/70W 81259010084
Charging Pressure Sensor 51274210216
Check Brake Valve 81521206004
Clutch Booster 81307256084
Clutch Master Cylinder Assy 81307156152
Clutch Plate 430/232 GD 81303010574
Clutch Pressure Plate 430 DTE 81303050218
Clutch Repair Kit Pressure Plate 81303006002
Drum Brake Lining (Front Axle) 81502216078
-Radial Shaft Seal 51965016002
Lift Pump Assy 51121500001
Parabolic Spring Assy 13T (Rear) 81434026749
Parabolic Spring Front Axle 9.5T 81434026331
Pressure Li miter Valve (Fuel Sys) 51103040291
Pressure Sensor 15BAR MDS1.2 51274210263
Pressure Sensor 16 Bar 81274210299
Pressure Sensor 15 Bar MOS1.2 51274210262
Pressure Seqsor Puel System 51274210229
Pressure Switch 5,8 Bar 81255140045
Radial Shaft Seal (Fan Hub] 51965016002
Release Bearing (Clutch) 81305500110
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706123
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706122
Rubber Stop( (Rear Axie) 81962100379
- Radial Shaft Seal 51015100206
- Prace 51021300013
Shock Absorber Assembly (Front) 81437026076
Shock Absorber Rea r Axle 81437016926
Slotted Bush (Front Spring) 81437220070
Speed Sender (Engine Moun 51271207037
Starter 5,5kW (Self) 51262017238
Suction Fan' 51066010284
Temperature Sender (Engine 51274210165
Temperature Sensor (Engine 51274210190
Tension Spring (Front Brake Shoe) 81976100265
Tension Spring (Rear Brake Shoe) 81976100317
Turbo Charger 51091007907
U-Bolt (Front Spring) 06461130210
Vacuum Switch (Air Intake) 81274210231
Compensator MAN (Turbocharger)
The other parts available by the order from MAN :
Description: MAN parts, OE genuine OE Nro
Brake Cylinder Repair Kit Asbestos-Free 81521206031
Brake Shoe without Lining (Front Axle) 81502016222
Carrier Plate (Hyd Pump) rodyti kontaktus
Contact Bush (Truck) rodyti kontaktus
Compensator (Turbocharger) 51152100001
Cutoff Relay 300A (Main Battery) 81259026264
Driving Dog Sleeve (Hyd Pump) 51066506006
Electronic Control Unit D2 (Heater Assy) 81258146042
Fan Hub 51066040088
Fluid Level Prob (Engine)=51274210346 51274210281
Foot Brake Valve 81521306298
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Fuel Filter Heater Set= 51125136003 51125136000
Gasket (Coolant Pump) 51069010215
Glow Plug (Heater Assy) 81268030030
-Gear Carrier 51066095019
Shaft = 51066035009 51066035006
Hydraulic Pump 32CCM 51066507008
Oil Pressure Pipe (Turbo)=51057035348 51057035332
Padal Position Sensor (Accelerator) 81259706103
Pressure Line Common Rail 51103006089
Rubber Bush Assy (Rear Shock) 81437060047
Rubber Stop (Front Axle) 81414016037
Sensor (Air Intake) 81154080002
Temperature Sensor (Heater Assy) 81779070014
Temperature Sensor Ambient Temperature 81274210224
Turbo Charger Seal-Round 51089010262
Turbo Charger Seat-Square 51089010261
Vlsco Fan (Fan with Clutch) 51066007059
Description: aftermarket truck parts (OE Nr only for comparison)
For ref. only!
A-Frame (RearAxle) V-stay 81432706164
Air Compressor 360 CCM 51541007231
Alternator 110A 51261017270
Axle Control Arm {Rear Axle) 81432206232
BeltTensioner Kit (Alternator) 81958016085
- Brake Shoe 220Mm (Truck) 81502016223
- Set of Drum Brake Linings (Truck) 81502216102
Brake Shoe without Lining (Rear ax) 81502016223
Bulb H3-HD-24V-70W 81259010027
Bulb H4-HD-24V-75/70W 81259010084
Charging Pressure Sensor 51274210216
Check Brake Valve 81521206004
Clutch Booster 81307256084
Clutch Master Cylinder Assy 81307156152
Clutch Plate 430/232 GD 81303010574
Clutch Pressure Plate 430 DTE 81303050218
Clutch Repair Kit Pressure Plate 81303006002
Drum Brake Lining (Front Axle) 81502216078
-Radial Shaft Seal 51965016002
Lift Pump Assy 51121500001
Parabolic Spring Assy 13T (Rear) 81434026749
Parabolic Spring Front Axle 9.5T 81434026331
Pressure Li miter Valve (Fuel Sys) 51103040291
Pressure Sensor 15BAR MDS1.2 51274210263
Pressure Sensor 16 Bar 81274210299
Pressure Sensor 15 Bar MOS1.2 51274210262
Pressure Seqsor Puel System 51274210229
Pressure Switch 5,8 Bar 81255140045
Radial Shaft Seal (Fan Hub] 51965016002
Release Bearing (Clutch) 81305500110
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706123
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706122
Rubber Stop( (Rear Axie) 81962100379
- Radial Shaft Seal 51015100206
- Prace 51021300013
Shock Absorber Assembly (Front) 81437026076
Shock Absorber Rea r Axle 81437016926
Slotted Bush (Front Spring) 81437220070
Speed Sender (Engine Moun 51271207037
Starter 5,5kW (Self) 51262017238
Suction Fan' 51066010284
Temperature Sender (Engine 51274210165
Temperature Sensor (Engine 51274210190
Tension Spring (Front Brake Shoe) 81976100265
Tension Spring (Rear Brake Shoe) 81976100317
Turbo Charger 51091007907
U-Bolt (Front Spring) 06461130210
Vacuum Switch (Air Intake) 81274210231
Compensator MAN (Turbocharger)
The other parts available by the order from MAN :
Description: MAN parts, OE genuine OE Nro
Brake Cylinder Repair Kit Asbestos-Free 81521206031
Brake Shoe without Lining (Front Axle) 81502016222
Carrier Plate (Hyd Pump) rodyti kontaktus
Contact Bush (Truck) rodyti kontaktus
Compensator (Turbocharger) 51152100001
Cutoff Relay 300A (Main Battery) 81259026264
Driving Dog Sleeve (Hyd Pump) 51066506006
Electronic Control Unit D2 (Heater Assy) 81258146042
Fan Hub 51066040088
Fluid Level Prob (Engine)=51274210346 51274210281
Foot Brake Valve 81521306298
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Fuel Filter Heater Set= 51125136003 51125136000
Gasket (Coolant Pump) 51069010215
Glow Plug (Heater Assy) 81268030030
-Gear Carrier 51066095019
Shaft = 51066035009 51066035006
Hydraulic Pump 32CCM 51066507008
Oil Pressure Pipe (Turbo)=51057035348 51057035332
Padal Position Sensor (Accelerator) 81259706103
Pressure Line Common Rail 51103006089
Rubber Bush Assy (Rear Shock) 81437060047
Rubber Stop (Front Axle) 81414016037
Sensor (Air Intake) 81154080002
Temperature Sensor (Heater Assy) 81779070014
Temperature Sensor Ambient Temperature 81274210224
Turbo Charger Seal-Round 51089010262
Turbo Charger Seat-Square 51089010261
Vlsco Fan (Fan with Clutch) 51066007059
Description: aftermarket truck parts (OE Nr only for comparison)
For ref. only!
A-Frame (RearAxle) V-stay 81432706164
Air Compressor 360 CCM 51541007231
Alternator 110A 51261017270
Axle Control Arm {Rear Axle) 81432206232
BeltTensioner Kit (Alternator) 81958016085
- Brake Shoe 220Mm (Truck) 81502016223
- Set of Drum Brake Linings (Truck) 81502216102
Brake Shoe without Lining (Rear ax) 81502016223
Bulb H3-HD-24V-70W 81259010027
Bulb H4-HD-24V-75/70W 81259010084
Charging Pressure Sensor 51274210216
Check Brake Valve 81521206004
Clutch Booster 81307256084
Clutch Master Cylinder Assy 81307156152
Clutch Plate 430/232 GD 81303010574
Clutch Pressure Plate 430 DTE 81303050218
Clutch Repair Kit Pressure Plate 81303006002
Drum Brake Lining (Front Axle) 81502216078
-Radial Shaft Seal 51965016002
Lift Pump Assy 51121500001
Parabolic Spring Assy 13T (Rear) 81434026749
Parabolic Spring Front Axle 9.5T 81434026331
Pressure Li miter Valve (Fuel Sys) 51103040291
Pressure Sensor 15BAR MDS1.2 51274210263
Pressure Sensor 16 Bar 81274210299
Pressure Sensor 15 Bar MOS1.2 51274210262
Pressure Seqsor Puel System 51274210229
Pressure Switch 5,8 Bar 81255140045
Radial Shaft Seal (Fan Hub] 51965016002
Release Bearing (Clutch) 81305500110
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706123
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706122
Rubber Stop( (Rear Axie) 81962100379
- Radial Shaft Seal 51015100206
- Prace 51021300013
Shock Absorber Assembly (Front) 81437026076
Shock Absorber Rea r Axle 81437016926
Slotted Bush (Front Spring) 81437220070
Speed Sender (Engine Moun 51271207037
Starter 5,5kW (Self) 51262017238
Suction Fan' 51066010284
Temperature Sender (Engine 51274210165
Temperature Sensor (Engine 51274210190
Tension Spring (Front Brake Shoe) 81976100265
Tension Spring (Rear Brake Shoe) 81976100317
Turbo Charger 51091007907
U-Bolt (Front Spring) 06461130210
Vacuum Switch (Air Intake) 81274210231
Compensator MAN (Turbocharger)
The other parts available by the order from MAN :
Description: MAN parts, OE genuine OE Nro
Brake Cylinder Repair Kit Asbestos-Free 81521206031
Brake Shoe without Lining (Front Axle) 81502016222
Carrier Plate (Hyd Pump) rodyti kontaktus
Contact Bush (Truck) rodyti kontaktus
Compensator (Turbocharger) 51152100001
Cutoff Relay 300A (Main Battery) 81259026264
Driving Dog Sleeve (Hyd Pump) 51066506006
Electronic Control Unit D2 (Heater Assy) 81258146042
Fan Hub 51066040088
Fluid Level Prob (Engine)=51274210346 51274210281
Foot Brake Valve 81521306298
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Fuel Filter Heater Set= 51125136003 51125136000
Gasket (Coolant Pump) 51069010215
Glow Plug (Heater Assy) 81268030030
-Gear Carrier 51066095019
Shaft = 51066035009 51066035006
Hydraulic Pump 32CCM 51066507008
Oil Pressure Pipe (Turbo)=51057035348 51057035332
Padal Position Sensor (Accelerator) 81259706103
Pressure Line Common Rail 51103006089
Rubber Bush Assy (Rear Shock) 81437060047
Rubber Stop (Front Axle) 81414016037
Sensor (Air Intake) 81154080002
Temperature Sensor (Heater Assy) 81779070014
Temperature Sensor Ambient Temperature 81274210224
Turbo Charger Seal-Round 51089010262
Turbo Charger Seat-Square 51089010261
Vlsco Fan (Fan with Clutch) 51066007059
Description: aftermarket truck parts (OE Nr only for comparison)
For ref. only!
A-Frame (RearAxle) V-stay 81432706164
Air Compressor 360 CCM 51541007231
Alternator 110A 51261017270
Axle Control Arm {Rear Axle) 81432206232
BeltTensioner Kit (Alternator) 81958016085
- Brake Shoe 220Mm (Truck) 81502016223
- Set of Drum Brake Linings (Truck) 81502216102
Brake Shoe without Lining (Rear ax) 81502016223
Bulb H3-HD-24V-70W 81259010027
Bulb H4-HD-24V-75/70W 81259010084
Charging Pressure Sensor 51274210216
Check Brake Valve 81521206004
Clutch Booster 81307256084
Clutch Master Cylinder Assy 81307156152
Clutch Plate 430/232 GD 81303010574
Clutch Pressure Plate 430 DTE 81303050218
Clutch Repair Kit Pressure Plate 81303006002
Drum Brake Lining (Front Axle) 81502216078
-Radial Shaft Seal 51965016002
Lift Pump Assy 51121500001
Parabolic Spring Assy 13T (Rear) 81434026749
Parabolic Spring Front Axle 9.5T 81434026331
Pressure Li miter Valve (Fuel Sys) 51103040291
Pressure Sensor 15BAR MDS1.2 51274210263
Pressure Sensor 16 Bar 81274210299
Pressure Sensor 15 Bar MOS1.2 51274210262
Pressure Seqsor Puel System 51274210229
Pressure Switch 5,8 Bar 81255140045
Radial Shaft Seal (Fan Hub] 51965016002
Release Bearing (Clutch) 81305500110
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706123
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706122
Rubber Stop( (Rear Axie) 81962100379
- Radial Shaft Seal 51015100206
- Prace 51021300013
Shock Absorber Assembly (Front) 81437026076
Shock Absorber Rea r Axle 81437016926
Slotted Bush (Front Spring) 81437220070
Speed Sender (Engine Moun 51271207037
Starter 5,5kW (Self) 51262017238
Suction Fan' 51066010284
Temperature Sender (Engine 51274210165
Temperature Sensor (Engine 51274210190
Tension Spring (Front Brake Shoe) 81976100265
Tension Spring (Rear Brake Shoe) 81976100317
Turbo Charger 51091007907
U-Bolt (Front Spring) 06461130210
Vacuum Switch (Air Intake) 81274210231
Compensator MAN (Turbocharger)
The other parts available by the order from MAN :
Description: MAN parts, OE genuine OE Nro
Brake Cylinder Repair Kit Asbestos-Free 81521206031
Brake Shoe without Lining (Front Axle) 81502016222
Carrier Plate (Hyd Pump) rodyti kontaktus
Contact Bush (Truck) rodyti kontaktus
Compensator (Turbocharger) 51152100001
Cutoff Relay 300A (Main Battery) 81259026264
Driving Dog Sleeve (Hyd Pump) 51066506006
Electronic Control Unit D2 (Heater Assy) 81258146042
Fan Hub 51066040088
Fluid Level Prob (Engine)=51274210346 51274210281
Foot Brake Valve 81521306298
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Fuel Filter Heater Set= 51125136003 51125136000
Gasket (Coolant Pump) 51069010215
Glow Plug (Heater Assy) 81268030030
-Gear Carrier 51066095019
Shaft = 51066035009 51066035006
Hydraulic Pump 32CCM 51066507008
Oil Pressure Pipe (Turbo)=51057035348 51057035332
Padal Position Sensor (Accelerator) 81259706103
Pressure Line Common Rail 51103006089
Rubber Bush Assy (Rear Shock) 81437060047
Rubber Stop (Front Axle) 81414016037
Sensor (Air Intake) 81154080002
Temperature Sensor (Heater Assy) 81779070014
Temperature Sensor Ambient Temperature 81274210224
Turbo Charger Seal-Round 51089010262
Turbo Charger Seat-Square 51089010261
Vlsco Fan (Fan with Clutch) 51066007059
Description: aftermarket truck parts (OE Nr only for comparison)
For ref. only!
A-Frame (RearAxle) V-stay 81432706164
Air Compressor 360 CCM 51541007231
Alternator 110A 51261017270
Axle Control Arm {Rear Axle) 81432206232
BeltTensioner Kit (Alternator) 81958016085
- Brake Shoe 220Mm (Truck) 81502016223
- Set of Drum Brake Linings (Truck) 81502216102
Brake Shoe without Lining (Rear ax) 81502016223
Bulb H3-HD-24V-70W 81259010027
Bulb H4-HD-24V-75/70W 81259010084
Charging Pressure Sensor 51274210216
Check Brake Valve 81521206004
Clutch Booster 81307256084
Clutch Master Cylinder Assy 81307156152
Clutch Plate 430/232 GD 81303010574
Clutch Pressure Plate 430 DTE 81303050218
Clutch Repair Kit Pressure Plate 81303006002
Drum Brake Lining (Front Axle) 81502216078
-Radial Shaft Seal 51965016002
Lift Pump Assy 51121500001
Parabolic Spring Assy 13T (Rear) 81434026749
Parabolic Spring Front Axle 9.5T 81434026331
Pressure Li miter Valve (Fuel Sys) 51103040291
Pressure Sensor 15BAR MDS1.2 51274210263
Pressure Sensor 16 Bar 81274210299
Pressure Sensor 15 Bar MOS1.2 51274210262
Pressure Seqsor Puel System 51274210229
Pressure Switch 5,8 Bar 81255140045
Radial Shaft Seal (Fan Hub] 51965016002
Release Bearing (Clutch) 81305500110
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706123
Repair Kit A-Frame 81432706122
Rubber Stop( (Rear Axie) 81962100379
- Radial Shaft Seal 51015100206
- Prace 51021300013
Shock Absorber Assembly (Front) 81437026076
Shock Absorber Rea r Axle 81437016926
Slotted Bush (Front Spring) 81437220070
Speed Sender (Engine Moun 51271207037
Starter 5,5kW (Self) 51262017238
Suction Fan' 51066010284
Temperature Sender (Engine 51274210165
Temperature Sensor (Engine 51274210190
Tension Spring (Front Brake Shoe) 81976100265
Tension Spring (Rear Brake Shoe) 81976100317
Turbo Charger 51091007907
U-Bolt (Front Spring) 06461130210
Vacuum Switch (Air Intake) 81274210231